Del Mar Electronics
Providing a Safe Passage Since 1986

Del Mar Electronics
Your Marine Electronics Supplier Since 1986
Providing a safe passage...

​Experience - Expertise - Leadership - Service
Del Mar Electronics

provides sales, installation, service, and maintenance for a full range of high seas products. Our business works with major manufacturers of marine electronics such as Furuno, Raytheon Anschutz, KVH, and other top brands to offer our customers a vast selection of marine electronics and equipment.
ABS Radio & GMDSS Annual Surveys
Safer Seas Act 2023 Audio/Visual Compliance
With the Safer Seas Act requiring audio and video surveillance on vessels by the end of December 2024, Del Mar Electronics offers Audio/Visual solutions to ensure your vessels meet compliance requirements.
Equipment Installations:
• GMDSS Consoles
• Marine Chart / ARPA / Radar Systems
• Gyro Compass Systems
• AIS Systems
• SSAS Systems
• UHF Hand-Held Radios
• Steering Systems
• Tower Column Lights
• Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Systems (BNWAS)
• Distress & Safety Systems
• Transponders - 406 EPIRB & SART
• Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs)
• Simplified Voyage Data Recorders
•Technical Support for High Sea Vessels
• Compass Bearing Repeater
• VHF/HF Radios and Antennas
• Navigation Lights

The FE800 is a result of Furuno's many decades of experience developing echo sounders, sonars, and underwater application equipment and systems. This echo sounder is a breakthrough over the conventional paper sounders; there are no consumable items. The purpose of the echo sounder is to provide safe navigation by detecting the clearance below the ship (particularly in shallow waters) as required on the SOLAS Convention ships by the new IMO standards.

Furuno’s GP170 is a highly stable and reliable position fixing system for ocean going ships, large yachts, ferries and commercial vessels. It is an ideal position sensor for Radar, AIS, ECDIS, Autopilot, Echo Sounder and other navigation and communications equipment. Its newly designed GPS chip and antenna deliver enhanced stability and precision in position fixing. Noise rejection capabilities are incorporated in the new receiver, delivering a high level of tolerance towards multi-path mitigation, which is further enhanced when the GPA020S or GPA021S antenna unit is utilized.
Furuno's FA170 is a Class A AIS Transponder with a 4.3" Color LCD Display. It displays symbols for AIS-equipped vessels, AIS-SART's, coastal stations and other aids to navigation within VHF range. AIS data can be output to ECDIS, Radar, or other navigational equipment for collision avoidance support. The FA170 includes 6 in/out ports, 3 input only ports, one LAN port, and one alarm output (contact closure) port. The unit is BAM (Bridge Alert Management) ready, meeting the specific requirements for BAM as specified in IMO MSC.302 (87).

Del Mar Electronics has over a 38 year history of providing sales, installation, service, and maintenance for a variety of high seas products ranging from navigation and safety equipment to communications.

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